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- [This document contains the transcript of the Issues Paranormal forum Sunday
- Night Conference dated October 16, 1988. Special surprise guest is Tracy Torme
- one of the principles in the production of the recent television broadcast "The
- UFO Coverup". - Ted Markley]
- User User ID Nod Rm Name / Forum Area
- ---- ------------ --- --- -----------------
- 26 71605,2013 SFM 5 Gerry
- 37 76011,1324 TOM 5 Gregg Gallagher
- 42 70511,17 CRZ 5 Mike
- 44 76057,276 TAM 5 Tom Shaughnessy
- 49 72135,424 PNB 5 Drax
- 49 72135,424 PNB 5 Tracy Torme
- 64 76340,1653 QLA 5 Jim
- 83 72310,2472 BOI 5 Don M
- 97 76703,266 WBR 5 G-WIZ
- 109 76474,2001 HAR 5 Mike Lee
- 109 72750,463 WPM 5 samuel lamerson
- 113 76510,3430 DCI 5 Doug
- 121 71450,3504 ANN 5 Bert
- 124 76012,3361 MRT 5 Ted
- 141 72750,1654 WIL 5 CHRIS
- 142 74270,3360 BOI 5 DON
- 146 71340,276 SOR 5 Mark
- 148 76703,244 HWV 5 Dave Peyton
- (5,Drax) Good news
- (Ted) Tell us Drax!
- (5,Drax) Tracy Torme, one of the producers of the special, will be calling me
- voice soon wants to respond to your comments. GA
- (Ted) Ok. Are we all ready? Ok. This seems as good as spot as any to get
- started....
- (5,Gregg Gallagher) Question: Why no media coverage of allegations made in
- special??
- (Ted) For those new to our Sunday night CO we operate under formal CO rules
- (particularly with this many people!) Ok. The hot topic tonight is the "UFO
- Coverup" TV special presented last Friday night. Several messages expressing a
- variety of opinions have already appeared on the Issues Paranormal message
- board. Tonight, my co host [DRAX] will be in touch via voice line with one of
- the principals of the show, Tracy Torme. Ok, let's open up the Floor. GA
- (5,Gregg Gallagher) ?
- (5,DON) ?
- (5,Bert) ?
- (Ted) Ok. Gregg was first. GA GREGG
- (5,Gregg Gallagher) Thanks - My family and myself were somewhat blown away by
- the special- question is why no media attention??
- (Ted) Good Question. I know that DON was trying to get some [media] attention
- locally, DON can you comment (then DRAX) ga
- (5,Drax) May I?
- (5,DON) Ok, I contacted the local station that was broadcasting the special, in
- order to see if they would be interested in a hook up, with myself, Don Mason,
- the Idaho State MUFON Director, who is here tonight for the first time and
- although the staff was interested, they had to get the General Managers after 4
- phone calls from me....still no response. I feel that it is like many things
- connected with this phenomenon.... if they thought that it would help ratings.
- GREAT!! however, they never responded back. Now for my comment. The special
- was special in many ways more information than I would have believed, from two
- intelligence operatives. At last, an appearance of believability from someone
- associated with the US Gov. However, how much was left out? I think that there
- were generous amounts of disinformation given out very freely, so as not to
- alarm the public?? Hopkins, I feel sold out for the almighty $. He wasn't shy
- about what really happens to the victims in his books, why not where it would
- really generate some curiosity? ga
- (5,Jim) ?
- (Ted) Ok. Jim, er... DRAX... now has Tracy on line and besides DRAX had a
- comment. GA DRAX
- (5,Drax) Well, I was going to type in what Tracy had started to dictate to me
- for the message base, but since he's here now, lets go right to his opening
- comments....
- [From here on Tracy Torme will actually be DRAX typing his responses while in
- contact over the telephone - ed.]
- (5,Tracy Torme) As the show was being developed a major split in philosophy took
- place between Seligman (producer) on one side and Brubaker and I on the other
- Seligman is basically LBS, so there was no question of who would have the final
- say. KB and I both backed away from the project, concentrating on "damage
- control" etc. In answer to certain comments. The "huge" GB audience actually
- WAS huge. We had an overflow crowd that filled another room who were not on
- camera. We had to partition off that room for technical reasons. Because the
- rest of the show ran long GB was cut nearly in half, which explains brevity and
- superficiality of presentation of that segment. Also, AGREED that never-ending
- music was TERRIBLE, and pace of show was WAY too fast. KB and I were dead-set
- against use of teleprompter but were overruled. My problem with the show was
- that we tried to squeeze too much into too little time. BUT DISAGREE about lack
- of meaningful content. Basically, this was the first show to present MJ-12,
- Roswell, FALCON, CONDOR, Emenegger film, Coleman sighting, Russian UFO interest,
- etc. etc. Hope these firsts were not overwhelmed by certain problems caused by
- live broadcast remember, live TV leaves one wide open for clumsy looking
- mistakes. Tape doesn't. GA
- (5,DON) ??
- (Ted) First Tracy (via DRAX) I want to say that I think the show gave the
- general public what it has never seen before. I think the first-time "problems"
- should and can be forgiven.. Next is Bert GA
- (5,Bert) Tracy, have you or the other producers gotten any inquiries from other
- parts of the media on the show. I would think the hook up with the Russians
- alone would constitute media interest, regardless of the subject matter. ga
- (Ted) Ok, Tracy Torme GA
- (5,Tracy Torme) I did several interviews including AP and UPI before the show
- nothing immediately following show. I'll know more when I get back to LA on
- Tuesday (I'm still in Gulf Breeze). GA
- (5,DON) ??
- (Ted) Ok Jim is up next ga Jim
- (5,Jim) I found much of the program presented information already known to the
- general public and found the testimonies of both Condor and Falcon extremely
- unbelievable specially the parts consisting of allowing the ETs to have complete
- control of an military base and having their favorite food being strawberry ice
- cream. GA
- (5,DON) ??
- (5,Tracy Torme) I'm a skeptic on "the birds" stories as well suspect
- disinformation. However, I think you're flat wrong about saying the general
- public knew most of what was presented I made a short list of some of the things
- which were new to the public. Can you say otherwise? (in a follow-up)? GA
- (Ted) Any follow Jim? ga
- (5,Jim) Ted to follow up. Well to begin with I suspected Blue Book to be a front
- for a larger operation so the MJ-12 was not a surprise. Most of the information
- presented has been published previously in one form or another as well as being
- channeled by people who claim to be in contact with ets...the only thing that
- caught me off guard was the claim for the military base under alien control and
- the supposed ship the military has. Why would advanced civilizations allow us
- to carry our problems...ie war and discord into space on one of their vehicles.
- GA
- (5,Tracy Torme) First you said, "I found much of the program presented
- information already known to the general public". Do you honestly believe that
- because SOME of this material was published somewhere the general public is
- familiar with it? Again, I say that criticism that there was nothing new is
- unfair and untrue GA
- (5,DON) ??
- (5,Mike) ?!
- (5,Jim) Well how's this. What "may" have been new REEKED of the National Enquire
- type journalism. GA
- (5,Tracy Torme) OK. I am critical in many ways of the other night's show
- however, you continue to make broad statements which don't seem to have
- specifics behind them. Even at its worst, this show was certainly much higher
- journalistically than the National Enquirer...don't confuse the format with the
- content. GA
- (5,Bert) ?
- (5,Jim) ?
- (Ted) People we must move on. Gerry was next then DON and BERT ga Gerry
- (5,Gerry) I agree with some that this was a history making event even though
- much of the material was already in print such as in *Aztec*. I would like to
- ask tracy if he thinks this was somehow "permitted" to be aired as a damage
- control maneuver. Also acknowledge that a pretty face was put on what may be a
- very sinister situation for all of us. What about that? ga
- (5,Tracy Torme) OK, first not to belabor point, but please keep in mind that
- most UFO literature, especially books like "AZTEC" reach a TINY percentage of
- the population. To say "I read that before in Len Stringfield's book, therefore
- its not new information," is to be wildly unrealistic. Second, all kinds of
- rumors abound regarding ulterior motives or...
- (5,Gerry) i agree
- (5,Tracy Torme) higher involvement with this special. I can't say for sure
- they're untrue, but my personal opinion is, this was just a show made for profit
- by a TV production company. GA
- (5,Gerry) follow?
- (Ted) Quick follow Gerry? ga
- (5,Gerry) ok... but wouldn't there have been interference in other efforts in
- the past? ga
- (5,Tracy Torme) Very hard to say. The line between Big Brother-type involvement
- and paranoia (which frankly runs rampant in this field) is a fine one. GA
- (5,Gerry) thanks ga
- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- (Ted) Next is DON ga
- (5,DON) Tracy, two things first, why was not Phil Imbrogno on the telecast, and
- Hudson Valley for the purposes of the transcript all all of the material think
- it is much more important than Gulf Breeze and second, why no information out to
- the public about the real phenomenon of what really occurs during abductions?
- ga
- (5,Tracy Torme) pushed hard for"hybrid" theory of abductions to be explored and
- also for Imbrogno's involvement failure to include them was simply the
- producer's decision based on time constraints and personal taste. Also, I
- disagree that HV is more important than GB. In fact I think just the opposite.
- GA
- (Ted) Bert is next GA
- (5,Doug) !
- (5,Bert) Tracy, despite certain rough aspects of the show, I suspect the ratings
- will be found to be fairly high I would think there might be strong interest in
- a mini series documentary, perhaps focusing on different stories such as GB and
- Hudson Valley, etc as separate one hr programs (not necessarily live). Have you
- considered doing anything like this? ga
- (Ted) Ok, added to that what were the ratings and how many callers. GA
- (5,Tracy Torme) Would like to see something like that too. No knowledge of
- anything in the works. Too early to tell about ratings, callers, etc. GA
- (Ted) Jim you're up again ga
- (5,Mike) !!!
- (5,Tracy Torme) (that's too bad!)
- (Ted) keep it BRIEF!!! ga doug
- (5,Doug) have found reaction among friends to be positive and most have little
- knowledge of the subject most are starting to read now Isn't that the desired
- reaction? ga
- (5,Tracy Torme) Yes, absolutely! GA
- (Ted) Mike, yer up! ga
- (5,Mike) first, I applaud your efforts in getting this stuff OUT THERE...a
- frequent comment I've heard was that the 900# was a scam to make $.GA
- (5,Tracy Torme) In my humble opinion, the 900 number idea was simply STUPID.
- First off, we had a number for those who HAVEN'T seen UFOs how many people are
- going to bother to tell us what they HAVEN'T seen. The entire idea was silly,
- but was "commercial," therefore was in from the very beginning its called
- "Living in the USA." No knowledge of direct profit motive, therefore can't
- confirm nor deny but I doubt it. GA
- (Ted) Still I would be interested in how many total callers there were. This
- will give some idea of the interest level. ga
- (5,Tracy Torme) Couple more questions, then we've got to skedaddle. GA
- (5,Mike) do you know anything about the people behind the new War of the Worlds?
- (5,Tracy Torme) Yeah, they're friends of mine. What would you like to know?
- (5,Mike) I just noticed that they are incorporating a lot of UFO lore and
- wondered who they were.ga
- (5,Tracy Torme) Yes. Greg Stranges is the main guy behind it, and is very
- familiar with Hopkins' work. Another driving force on the show is an abductee.
- GA
- (Ted) I have a quick one. What do you see in Jim Speiser???? We have found him
- to be a egocentric guy. (HAH!) ga
- (5,Tracy Torme) the lovable dean of Ufology, Hal Starr to be his personal
- sidekick and traveling companion. GA
- (Ted) Tracy we thank you for your time and attention tonight we hope that you
- can visit us again soon (and you don't have to drag Speiser with you !!!) Thanks
- again - and all kidding aside Jim, that for a wonderful evening. ga
- (5,Drax) Tracy says Thanks for the opportunity, and I say your welcome. GA
- (5,Gerry)
- (Ted) I thought it might be interesting to do a quick survey of the thoughts on
- the show, but first where is everybody from? GA
- (Ted) NJ ga
- (5,Gerry) Oakland CA
- (5,samuel lamerson) w. palm beach ga
- (5,Mike) CA
- (5,Bert) MI
- (5,Mark) Salem, OR
- (5,Doug) DC
- (5,Dave Peyton) Huntington WV
- (5,Drax) Fountain Hills, AZ
- (5,samuel lamerson) ?
- (5,DON) Boise, Id
- (Ted) First survey ? How many though the show was valuable? ga
- (5,Drax) Me!
- (5,DON) ?
- (Ted) ME
- (5,Gerry) yes!!
- (5,Bert) yes
- (5,DON) Me
- (5,Mike) Me too!
- (Ted) How many called in for further government investigation? ga
- (Ted) ME
- (5,Drax) Me!
- (5,DON) me
- (5,Doug) nah!
- (5,Gerry) didn't but should have
- (5,Bert) should have also
- (5,Mike) ditto
- (Ted) How many have seen a UFO CE I
- (5,DON) How about Government disclosure
- (5,Mike) Me
- (5,DON) me
- (5,Doug) no
- (5,Gerry) nope
- (Ted) How many have been involved in a CE II
- (5,Doug) no
- (Ted) Any abductions? ga
- (5,DON) I think Dale was!
- (Ted) Any one else want to take a vote on a ? ga
- (5,DON) How many think there was disinformation
- (5,DON) me
- (5,Drax) Me
- (Ted) ME
- (5,Mike) maybe
- (5,Dave Peyton) bound to be some
- (5,Gerry) by selection of material
- (5,Doug) pass
- (5,Drax) You mean, "official" disinfo, right Don?
- (5,DON) Yes
- (5,Mike) How about discussing that?
- (5,Drax) !
- (5,samuel lamerson) ?
- (Ted) Samuel has been waiting, GA SAM
- (5,samuel lamerson) I am new to all of this and would like to know where to find
- more information (periodicals etc.) ga
- (5,DON) ??
- (Ted) Try "Intruders" by Budd Hopkins (Drax?) ga
- (5,Drax) OK, briefly, (because my girlfriend is mad at me). Or Try MUFON UFO
- Journal ( Seguin TX). Some best info comes from Citizens Against UFO Secrecy
- (CAUS) contact me by EMAIL for their address -- 72135,424. Of course, ParaNet,
- but I don't like to toot my own horn...
- (5,DON) I'm not shy
- (5,Drax) Don's not shy...
- (5,Drax) heheh...
- (5,Doug) !
- (5,samuel lamerson) I call the para-0n in Phoenix is that the one?
- (5,Gerry) I'd give my reading list but I read only discredited material
- (Ted) Where can he reach ParaNet? ga
- (5,DON) ??
- (5,Drax) that's one of them, Samuel, but Don's board is just as good...
- (5,Bert) MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099
- (5,samuel lamerson) I live in Florida, anything close?
- (5,Drax) I believe that the entire MJ-12 scenario as painted by Moore is
- disinformation, to cover something similar. GA
- (5,DON) ??
- (5,Drax) Nothing in FL, one in Atlanta.
- (5,DON) the segment concerning the EBE's alleged fondness for ice cream was just
- TOO much an obvious attempt to make them look "REAL AMERICAN" and benign.
- Considering what..
- (5,Mike) (or maybe they DO like ice cream)
- (5,DON) has occurred in the last few years, I found that very distasteful. ga
- (Ted)Don. Do you think that the "Dipping the Hands in Blood" is more or less
- real that the Ice Cream? GA
- (5,DON) I have no answer for that, and I never ascribed to that theory, however
- while investigating mutes as a police officer, and after what I was told this
- summer by Paul, and many of the similar points of view on Friday by Falcon and
- Condor. Lear may be closer than many of us want to admit. ga
- (5,Doug) My point was made ga.
- (5,samuel lamerson) price for mufon, also here would I find printed material on
- gulf breeze and mj-12? ga
- (5,Bert) $25.00 per year.
- (Ted) Try LIB 10 here and also MUFON publications. Mike is next ga
- (5,Mike) is quite a bit of anecdotal data indicating neutral if not GOOD aliens
- as well.ga
- (5,Gerry) yes I was going to make the mute point but Don did, and also the leaks
- pertaining to autopsies all seem to point to no digestive system as we know it.
- In fact, the mouth cavity dead ends. Also agree about many different types of
- aliens and motives. Much more could be said about this, but no room here to go
- into it. ga
- (5,Bert) Don referred to his friend Paul who is the subject of a file that Don
- loaded up on LIB 10. BTW there has been great interest in that file as it has
- had over 60 downloads in abut 10-15 days (probably a major record on CIS)...
- (5,Gerry) agent.txt?
- (5,Bert) I was wondering, Don, if you've had any contact with Paul about the TV
- show last Friday. Also any possible connections between Falcon, Condor, Lear
- and Bill English? ga
- (5,DON) first Paul is recovering from a very serious illness right now I have
- not had any direct contact with him since his illness as to Lear. Paul took ill
- when he heard his story was on CIS. John called me this weekend, and we had a
- long conversation as a matter of fact I am now writing a file that I hope to
- have posted this week that concerns Lear, the broadcast, and how much of this
- ties together. ga
- (Ted) Great. We look forward to reading it when do you think you will upload it?
- ga
- (5,DON) I hope to have it completed and posted by Weds.
- (5,samuel lamerson) can you recommend a couple of files that would give me kind
- of an overview of who lear is, more about mj12 and other things?ga
- (Ted) First DIR.1 and DIR.2 contain a brief description of all Lib 10 files.
- Try KEYWORD searching on LEAR and MJ-12. ga
- (5,Bert) LEAR.TXT on LIB 10
- (5,samuel lamerson) thanks very much for the help, goodnight all
- (5,Doug) I noticed three different types of aliens described new to me was the
- two russians (sounded like a little too much vodka) and the AF "Training film
- landing" Any comments? ga
- (5,DON) The Landing at Holloman as alleged to have taken place in 1964 now one
- element of disinformation is this. A number of years ago, Rod Serling did a
- film that explored the UFO enigma the climax of the docudrama was to have been
- film shot during the landing at the AF base. Then according to some "cold feet"
- prevailed, because of what the EBE's were found out to have been doing. Much of
- what Lear wrote about concerns the alleged "deal" that Uncle Sam was supposed to
- have made with the EBE's. Now, as of Friday, it appears to have been proven by
- the admission of the two intelligence agents. At least the part about the
- "deal". Who really knows, time will tell. ga
- (5,Bert) Just wondering about the possibility of getting Lear on as a guest here
- in the near future. Also what about the possibility of Linda Howe as a guest?
- does anyone here know Linda well enough to call her? ga
- (5,Mike) I went to school with her but haven't spoken in years.
- (Ted) I'll call Lear ga <gotta go people> ga
- (5,DON) Ted, Wedge may know how to contact her.
- (5,Gerry) I know a good friend of hers.
- (5,DON) Ted, are you going to talk to Lear tonight?
- (Ted) No, I'll try calling Tuesday or Wednesday. You wanna call him? ga
- (5,DON) I thought that I may speak to him tonight.
- (Ted) Ok Great. We'll get him a free PPN for the night. OK? ga
- (5,DON) What about a PPN for moi? Do you know what my card said to me last time
- I got the bill?
- (Ted) "Ouch!" ? ga
- (5,DON) Ya.
- (Ted) Nite all! ga
- (5,Bert) nite Ted!
- (5,DON) Nite Ted
- (5,DON) Nite all